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Impact of Scanners and Staining of WSIs on CNNs

Impact of Scanners and Staining of WSIs on CNNs

The impact of scanner variations and stain normalization on CNN performance for prostate cancer classification on WSIs was investigated by Zaneta Swiderska-Chadaj and their colleagues, and the work was published in Nature Scientific Reports.

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Streaming CNNs for Multi-Megapixel Images

Streaming CNNs for Multi-Megapixel Images

Due to memory constraints on current hardware, most convolutional neural networks (CNN) are trained on sub-megapixel images. A novel method for end-to-end training of CNNs on multi-megapixel images was proposed by Hans Pinckaers and his colleagues. Their work appeared online in IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence.

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KNAW Early Career Award for Geert Litjens

KNAW Early Career Award for Geert Litjens

The KNAW Early Career Award is intended to showcase talented PhD graduates, and to provide them with support and encouragement. The Award is aimed at researchers at the start of their career who are capable of developing innovative and original research ideas.

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Keynote at the European Congress of Pathology 2019

Keynote at the European Congress of Pathology 2019

Jeroen van der Laak presented his keynote lecture entitled 'The rise of Artificial Intelligence and its impact on histopathology' at the 31rst European Computational Pathology Congress in the Acropolis Convention Centre in Nice, France.

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Best Poster Award MIDL 2019

Best Poster Award MIDL 2019

Congratulations to Thomas de Bel for winning the Best Poster Award at the second edition of the International Conference on Medical Imaging with Deep Learning held in London this week.

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