Histopathological diagnosis of breast cancer using machine learning
B. Bejnordi
- Promotor: N. Karssemeijer
- Copromotor: J. van der Laak and G. Litjens
- Graduation year: 2017
- Radboud University, Nijmegen
Application of machine learning to WSI is a promising yet largely unexplored field of research. The primary aim of the research described in this thesis was to develop automated systems for analysis of H&E stained breast histopathological images. This involved automatic detection of ductal carcinoma in-situ (DCIS), invasive, and metastatic breast cancer in whole-slide histopathological images. A secondary aim was to identify new diagnostic biomarkers for the detection of invasive breast cancer. To this end the research was undertaken with the following objectives:
Development of an algorithm for standardization of H&E stained WSIs;
Detection, classification and segmentation of primary breast cancer;
Evaluation of the state of the art of machine learning algorithms for automatic detection of lymph nodes metastases;
Identifying and leveraging new stromal biomarkers to improve breast cancer diagnostics.