Publications of Mart van Rijthoven
Papers in international journals
- M. van Rijthoven, M. Balkenhol, K. Silina, J. van der Laak and F. Ciompi, "HookNet: Multi-resolution convolutional neural networks for semantic segmentation in histopathology whole-slide images", Medical Image Analysis, 2021;68:101890.
- N. Marini, S. Otálora, D. Podareanu, M. van Rijthoven, J. van der Laak, F. Ciompi, H. Muller and M. Atzori, "Multi_Scale_Tools: A Python Library to Exploit Multi-Scale Whole Slide Images", Frontiers in Computer Science, 2021;3.
Papers in conference proceedings
- M. van Rijthoven, M. Balkenhol, M. Atzori, P. Bult, J. van der Laak and F. Ciompi, "Few-shot weakly supervised detection and retrieval in histopathology whole-slide images", Medical Imaging, 2021;11603:137 - 143.
- Y. Jiao, M. Rijthoven, J. Li, K. Grunberg, S. Fei and F. Ciompi, "Automatic Lung Cancer Segmentation in Histopathology Whole-Slide Images with Deep Learning", European Congress on Digital Pathology (ECDP), 2021.