Publications of Geert Litjens


Papers in international journals

  1. B. Bejnordi, G. Zuidhof, M. Balkenhol, M. Hermsen, P. Bult, B. van Ginneken, N. Karssemeijer, G. Litjens and J. van der Laak, "Context-aware stacked convolutional neural networks for classification of breast carcinomas in whole-slide histopathology images", Journal of Medical Imaging, 2017;4(4):044504.
    Abstract DOI PMID Download Cited by ~150
  2. B. Ehteshami Bejnordi, M. Veta, P. van Diest, B. van Ginneken, N. Karssemeijer, G. Litjens, J. van der Laak, T. Consortium, M. Hermsen, Q. Manson, M. Balkenhol, O. Geessink, N. Stathonikos, M. van Dijk, P. Bult, F. Beca, A. Beck, D. Wang, A. Khosla, R. Gargeya, H. Irshad, A. Zhong, Q. Dou, Q. Li, H. Chen, H. Lin, P. Heng, C. Haß, E. Bruni, Q. Wong, U. Halici, M. Öner, R. Cetin-Atalay, M. Berseth, V. Khvatkov, A. Vylegzhanin, O. Kraus, M. Shaban, N. Rajpoot, R. Awan, K. Sirinukunwattana, T. Qaiser, Y. Tsang, D. Tellez, J. Annuscheit, P. Hufnagl, M. Valkonen, K. Kartasalo, L. Latonen, P. Ruusuvuori, K. Liimatainen, S. Albarqouni, B. Mungal, A. George, S. Demirci, N. Navab, S. Watanabe, S. Seno, Y. Takenaka, H. Matsuda, H. Ahmady Phoulady, V. Kovalev, A. Kalinovsky, V. Liauchuk, G. Bueno, M. Fernandez-Carrobles, I. Serrano, O. Deniz, D. Racoceanu and R. Venâncio, "Diagnostic Assessment of Deep Learning Algorithms for Detection of Lymph Node Metastases in Women With Breast Cancer", Journal of the American Medical Association, 2017;318(22):2199-2210.
    Abstract DOI PMID Cited by ~1000
  3. G. Litjens, T. Kooi, B. Ehteshami Bejnordi, A. Setio, F. Ciompi, M. Ghafoorian, J. van der Laak, B. van Ginneken and C. Sánchez, "A Survey on Deep Learning in Medical Image Analysis", Medical Image Analysis, 2017;42:60-88.
    Abstract DOI PMID arXiv Download Cited by ~3681
  4. M. Ghafoorian, N. Karssemeijer, T. Heskes, I. van Uden, C. Sánchez, G. Litjens, F. de Leeuw, B. van Ginneken, E. Marchiori and B. Platel, "Location Sensitive Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Segmentation of White Matter Hyperintensities", Scientific Reports, 2017;7(1):5110.
    Abstract DOI PMID arXiv Cited by ~211
  5. S. Laban, G. Giebel, N. Klümper, A. Schröck, J. Doescher, G. Spagnoli, J. Thierauf, M. Theodoraki, R. Remark, S. Gnjatic, R. Krupar, A. Sikora, G. Litjens, N. Grabe, G. Kristiansen, F. Bootz, P. Schuler, C. Brunner, J. Brägelmann, T. Hoffmann and S. Perner, "MAGE expression in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma primary tumors, lymph node metastases and respective recurrences: implications for immunotherapy", Oncotarget, 2017;8:14719-14735.
    Abstract DOI PMID Cited by ~18
  6. S. Steens, E. Bekers, W. Weijs, G. Litjens, A. Veltien, A. Maat, G. van den Broek, J. van der Laak, J. Futterer, C. van der Kaa, M. Merkx and R. Takes, "Evaluation of tongue squamous cell carcinoma resection margins using ex-vivo MR.", International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 2017;12(5):821-828.
    Abstract DOI PMID Download Cited by ~21
  7. M. Dalmis, G. Litjens, K. Holland, A. Setio, R. Mann, N. Karssemeijer and A. Gubern-Mérida, "Using deep learning to segment breast and fibroglandular tissue in MRI volumes", Medical Physics, 2017;44(2):533-546.
    Abstract DOI PMID Download Cited by ~180
  8. T. Kooi, G. Litjens, B. van Ginneken, A. Gubern-Mérida, C. Sánchez, R. Mann, A. den Heeten and N. Karssemeijer, "Large scale deep learning for computer aided detection of mammographic lesions", Medical Image Analysis, 2017;35:303-312.
    Abstract DOI PMID Download Cited by ~774

Papers in conference proceedings

  1. P. Bándi, R. van de Loo, M. Intezar, D. Geijs, F. Ciompi, B. van Ginneken, J. van der Laak and G. Litjens, "Comparison of Different Methods for Tissue Segmentation In Histopathological Whole-Slide Images", IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, 2017:591-595.
    Abstract DOI arXiv Cited by ~38
  2. F. Ciompi, O. Geessink, B. Bejnordi, G. de Souza, A. Baidoshvili, G. Litjens, B. van Ginneken, I. Nagtegaal and J. van der Laak, "The importance of stain normalization in colorectal tissue classification with convolutional networks", IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, 2017:160-163.
    Abstract DOI arXiv Cited by ~183


  1. M. Hermsen, T. de Bel, M. van de Warenburg, J. Knuiman, E. Steenbergen, G. Litjens, B. Smeets, L. Hilbrands and J. van der Laak, "Automatic segmentation of histopathological slides from renal allograft biopsies using artificial intelligence", Dutch Federation of Nephrology (NfN) Fall Symposium, 2017.

PhD theses

  1. B. Bejnordi, "Histopathological diagnosis of breast cancer using machine learning", PhD thesis, 2017.
    Abstract Url